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Spring is buoyant, warm and bringing us that fresh energy, signalling the turn of the Season from winter to Spring.

Bright Spring

Tropical, inviting, bright, warm.

Bright Spring is the highest chroma of the Seasons (adjacent to Bright Winter on the Seasonal clock)​, and it's parent Season is Spring, which is warm but Bright Spring is influenced by Winter's coolness. It's a medium 'value' (dark to light).


True Spring

Fruit, nature, sun, coral.

True Spring is a purely warm Season - it colors are vibrant but not as saturated as Bright Spring, as if the colors are basking in morning sunlight. We see a palette of beautiful corals, browns and warm purples. True Spring has medium value on the dark to light scale.


Light Spring

Peaches, sorbets, fields of flowers.

Light Spring (alongside Light Summer) is one of the 'Light' Seasons, meaning it has 'high' value, ie general lightness. It is of medium chroma but can appear 'bright' due to the added whiteness or tints in the palette. It's a predominantly warm Seasons but is influenced by Summer's coolness.

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