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Color Curator is a personalized color analysis service  in Hillsborough NC. I specialize in running fun, interactive, and educational color analysis sessions to help clients discover their perfect Season and embrace the power of wearing color. Finding your best colors can have a huge impact on your life - more than you'd think. You look healthy, energized and vibrant, without really trying. Finding your colors, feels like coming home to the 'real' you.



I became interested in seasonal color analysis while working from home in Covid in a new, postpartum body. I was sick of seeing myself and sweatpants and t-shirts. I discovered color analysis and it immediately made sense to me. I couldn't wait to find out my season. Now I understand colors, I finally get why some things just didn't 'look right' on me, or paired together.

Color, to me, is a key pillar of style and is the most accessible way to look good. It can be hard to work out which lines suit you, your body shape and styles you can pull off but color anyone can embrace their color palette.


During analyst training, I found out that I was a True Autumn (and not a True Spring) as I'd been previously told. This was really eye opening and it took a while to adjust, but I have really embraced this richer and grounded color palette, which feels like a truer version of me.

I am so excited to bring that same feeling to anyone else who wants to discover their Season and play with color.

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